• Phone: 954-955-1272 | 954-955-1273 | 786-320-6347 | Fax: 954-231-3140
  • Email: pqaides@gmail.com

Every new year comes with the possibilities of new ventures or prospects, vision, and renewed perspectives. Interwoven in me, based on my West Indian Ancestry, are loyalty, innovation, dedication, and, most of all, care. I ensure that I am always able to add value to my parents by overseeing that they are recipients of the investments they have made in me.

The springboard for this project is twofold. My mother, who was a Jamaican at the age of seventy-five, faced ill health based on Alzheimer’s disease. I was always instrumental in ensuring that she was given quality care by any caregiver who was contracted to take care of her. I was always the one to recruit, interview, and give them the” green light,” based on the referrals offered and their ability to express strategies they would apply to ensure she got the best care and support.

Assessments of their tenure on the job were my key responsibility, and as God would have it, he positioned me to gain expertise in a healthcare facility in Miami that further expanded my knowledge and skills.

However, during the pandemic, based on the fact that I would now have to work from home some days, I had to find new coping mechanisms in an effort not to feel unproductive but still contribute to society in a wholesome way. As I pondered what my vision could be for this new year, ironically, one night, my spouse proposed the idea of starting a business offering quality care to patients as I had the background knowledge from recruiting quality staffing for my mom and based on the expertise I have gained from the health care recruiting facility.

My mantra: “Let my obstacles become my success story has propelled me to my new purpose of managing a small business that offers quality and professional caregivers, especially to the elderly and children with special needs. As a first-world country, we must ensure that our senior citizens are offered the best care for the remainder of their lives. This has a domino effect on the psyche of their family members. They will have peace of mind and fewer stress-related illnesses that could put our healthcare under tremendous strain.

caregiver hugging senior woman indoor